McGrath Housing & Care


Our 2027 Vision

In 5 years’, time, HIV will still be prevalent. Medication changes, but it is likely that social stigma will continue to attach to the condition. The result is that an HIV diagnosis will always be traumatic, and support will always be required.

In 2027 our project hopes to operate to the highest standards of care and accommodation. Our homegrown care philosophy is recognised as exceptional by the wider community, with demand for places always exceeding supply. Residents teach us how to take care of them. We offer clear pathways to independent living for those who can take that option. And for those who stay with us, we offer an equally resourced level of care within our community.
Our programme flexes to meet individual needs while operating a scheduled menu of experiences designed to support recovery and independence, e.g. communal cooking, art therapy and meditation. Our residents are on a continuum of high to low drug dependency, and from complex needs to stable. 

We welcome drop-ins from ex-residents and invite them to gather at Christmastime to tell us about their lives since leaving the project. We have three properties in Dublin which allows us to offer a range of care. The newest resident needs an environment where we can build trust and establish a foundational relationship. The longest stay residents develop the deepest relationship with the care team. The staff try to encourage individual autonomy, social integration, and self-development in spite of a deep pattern of self-neglect.

We are not ‘a programme’. But staff provide Support Plans for each individual, as well as signposts to programmes provided by 3rd parties, including self-development modules and a complete menu of options as detailed in the service level agreement with the HSE. As the support we offer is led by the resident, a bespoke approach suits our project better than being programme driven.

Our project is heavily dependent on the skill and motivation of our staff. We see this as a key area to ensure the evolution of our project. Staff are well qualified with a good work ethic. We expect them to go beyond the basics in providing care and support for residents. This includes consistently upskilling and taking specialised courses for Continuous Professional Development.