McGrath Housing & Care



The Paddy McGrath Housing Project is committed to the highest levels of governance, transparency, and accountability. We have adopted the Charities Governance Code, are registered with the Revenue Commissioners (CHY 8471), The Charities Regulatory Authority, (CRA no 20020842) -Ireland’s national statutory regulatory agency for charitable organisations. 

The Project is an approved housing body and is registered with the Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority (Registered no AHB-03154). The activities of the organisation are reviewed annually, to ensure that they are in line  with the objectives and purposes laid out in our Constitution. The Project monitors and complies with all relevant legal, regulatory , funding and statutory obligations.  

The Project has eight board members, and meets at least five times per year. Board members have signed a Board Member Code of Conduct Statement as well as a Charity Trustee Declaration. On becoming a Board member of The Paddy McGrath Housing Project, a director undertakes to:

  • Uphold the values, objectives, and policies of the organisation.
  • Take decisions solely in the interests of the organisation. 
  • Take collective responsibility for decisions and be accountable for these decisions and actions to a wide group of stakeholders including our residents, staff, funders, regulators, local authorities, government departments and other key stakeholders.
  • Declare any relevant conflicts of interest. 
  • Uphold the highest standards of corporate and personal ethics.
  • Support the staff and management of the organisation. 
  • Understand Constitution of the organization and the legal duties under the Companies Acts.
  • Always respect the confidentiality of information. 
  • Attend Board meetings regularly.

The Board’s responsibilities include financial supervision, performance monitoring, risk management, ensuring good governance, asset management, and strategic leadership.

4.1 Financial reporting

The Project ‘s annual financial statements are externally audited on annual basis as well as the procurement of a tax clearance certificate from Revenue. The financial statements comply with the Statements of Recommended Practice for charities. The Project has adequate systems in place to accurately record all financial transactions, assets, and liabilities. The Project prepares quarterly financial statements for approval by the Board. 
The Board reviews the internal controls of the organisation on an annual basis to ensure that they remain fit for purpose. Annual budgets are prepared which are reviewed and approved by the Board and are used to monitor, report, and evaluate performance throughout the year. 

4.2 Risk Management

The Project has a Risk Register in place to identify and manage the risks facing the organisation. The risk register includes information on risks including health and safety, financial, operational, environmental, strategic, and funding.

4.3 Funders

The Health Services Executive (HSE) and the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) are the external funders of the Project. The funding is based on annual service level agreements signed by both parties which set out clearly the obligations of both parties and for the Project is based on operational outcomes and compliance with a range of governance measures including financial returns.

4.4 Regulators

The Project is committed to submitting to both the Charity Regulator and the Approved Housing Bodies Regulator all requests for information and annual returns in an efficient and 
timely manner.  

4.5 Asset Management

The Project has thirty - four one bed - room apartments. The Board has a conducted a stock condition survey of all properties to help deliver on the annual programme of repairs and maintenance to deliver on their asset management objectives. The Board ensures that there is an appropriate budget for all repairs and maintenance and all properties are inspected regularly. The Project has a Sinking Fund in place which is matched with a cash balance to provide for the replacement of assets.

4.6 Licences and Tenancies

There are 7 licences in Granby, the remaining 26 tenancies provide residents with a home for life. Given the development in HIV medication, we expect an increase in licences, within the constraints imposed by our funding model: DCC prefer tenancies because they take residents off the housing list. The principle of only granting tenancies which was enshrined in the project from its origins has been gradually relaxed to reflect the realities of HIV as it evolves. We will continue to track these changes and review our approach.

The Project ensures that there are effective communications with residents and has a complaints process that is clear and easily accessible. Tenants receive a Tenant handbook  that sets out clearly the obligations of both the tenant and the Project. The Project ensures that there is regular engagement with tenants and feedback is facilitated and encouraged.